We received public input on our draft recovery plan for whitebark pine and limber pine. Whitebark and limber pines have evolved to thrive in some of Alberta's harshest landscapes but recent infections of white pine blister and infestations of mountain pine beetle have resulted in a decline in the pines' numbers across their provincial range.
Because of the overlap in their ranges and similarity in the threats these endangered species face, a combined recovery plan was developed based on feedback from provincial and federal stakeholders and experts.
Learn more about whitebark and limber pine recovery and why it’s important to Alberta’s ecosystem.
August 10 to September 10, 2020
Results under review
Fall 2020
Who is listening
Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
Input received
Feedback was collected through an online survey from August 10 to September 10, 2020.
Thank you for your participation and input.
Read the Whitebark and limber pine recovery plan public response summary
Your feedback was used to help us finalize the Limber and whitebark pine recovery plan.