West Bragg Creek Trails Master Plan engagement

Albertans helped inform the West Bragg Creek Trails Plan.


In partnership with the Bragg Creek Trails organization, we collected feedback on the draft West Bragg Creek Trails Master plan. This new plan will lead to improved and maintained trails, support for recreation and the protection of natural ecosystems in the West Bragg Creek trail system. The plan is focused on recreation but covers an area with multiple land uses, including forestry.

The West Bragg Creek area supports recreation, Indigenous traditional land uses, cattle grazing, petroleum extraction and forestry. It is approximately 40 km from Calgary and is popular year-round for day-use recreation activities.

This work supports Alberta’s common-sense conservation plan and aligns with the Trails Act to ensure that trails in the area can be enjoyed now and for years to come.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    January 2024

Who is listening

Ministry of Forestry and Parks

Input received

Online survey

From December 2021 until November 2022, Albertans were invited to participate in public engagement for the Master Trail Plan for the trails in the West Bragg Creek area. This feedback was gathered in 2 phases:

  • Phase 1: Feedback on the draft Terms of Reference
    • December 8, 2021 to January 24, 2022
    • Albertans provided 860 online survey responses and identified 397 recommendations for improvement, issues, and features of interest using an online interactive mapping tool.
  • Phase 2: Feedback on the draft West Bragg Creek Trails Master Plan
    • September 28, 2022 to November 16, 2022
    • Albertans provided 600 online survey responses and commented 493 times on proposed trails using an online interactive mapping tool.

Respondents were notably supportive of the draft plan, with 84% indicating they were somewhat or very supportive. Overall, 85% of respondents were somewhat (37%) or very (48%) satisfied with the online engagement.

A summary of the engagement is available in the West Bragg Creek Trail Master Plan (Appendix D).

Stakeholder engagement

Representatives from the following organizations were invited to form a planning committee that provided input, advice and endorsement of the final plan:

  • Indigenous governments
  • Bragg Creek Trails
  • trail users representing a variety of recreational activities
  • local users of Crown land (forestry, energy and grazing)
  • Rocky View County
  • Government of Alberta

Indigenous engagement

Indigenous communities were invited to join the planning committee. They contributed to the development and finalization of the West Bragg Creek Trails Master Plan.

The West Bragg Creek area is used by Indigenous peoples to practice their culture, which includes harvesting food and medicines, holding ceremonies and connecting to the land.


Your feedback helped us develop the West Bragg Creek Trails Master Plan to ensure that trails are conserved and managed in sustainable ways now and in the future.

What's next

The Government of Alberta and Bragg Creek Trails Association will work together to implement the actions outlined in the plan, subject to time and resources.

Learn more about Bragg Creek Trails.



Connect with the West Bragg Creek Trails Master Plan engagement:

Email: EPA.Outreach-Services@gov.ab.ca