Watershed management – Resources

Planning and reporting support material, publications and other resources.

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Watershed management

State of the watershed reporting

  • Handbook for State of the Watershed Reporting
    An overview of the process elements for compiling and evaluating existing and available information for the purpose of completing a broad-scale screening of the physical features, resources and conditions of a watershed. This handbook introduces users to the concept of watershed-scale assessments via watershed health indicators and includes an extensive listing of data and information sources from across the province.
  • Guide to Reporting on Common Indicators Used in State of the Watershed Reports
    Completing another key action of the Water for Life Action Plan, the Alberta government released the above noted guide as a reference for groups reporting on conditions within their watershed. The guide sets out criteria and direction for consistent reporting on a subset of watershed health indicators commonly found in state of the watershed reports. The main audience for this document includes Alberta's Watershed Stewardship Groups and Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils.

    The Guide to Reporting on Common Indicators Used in State of the Watershed Reports is a companion document to the Handbook for State of the Watershed Reporting released by the Alberta government in 2008.

Assessing environmental performance