Part of Boating

Watercraft inspections

Learn how the Alberta government is helping to protect Alberta's waters from aquatic invasive species.

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Seasonal job opportunities

The following seasonal job positions are currently available for watercraft inspection at various locations in Alberta:

67159 | AIS Watercraft Inspector

67161 | AIS Site Leads

67160 | AIS Supervisor/Decontamination Technician (Rovers) 

These job postings will remain open until suitable candidates are found. For more information about Government of Alberta job opportunities, see:

Jobs with the Alberta Public Service

It's the law

When highway signage indicates that a watercraft inspection station is open, it is mandatory that everyone transporting a watercraft must report to the onsite inspectors to have their boats, trailers and other water-related equipment checked for invasive species such as zebra and quagga mussels, and plants. For further information see Invasive species.

Bypassing an open inspection station while transporting a watercraft is a violation of the Fisheries (Alberta) Act and can result in a $4,200 fine. Additionally, all watercrafts must have their drain plugs pulled while being transported on Alberta highways. Failure to pull the plug may result in a $600 fine.

To review the legislation see:

We appreciate your compliance. We are taking these steps to protect Alberta’s waters from harmful aquatic invasive species that pose great threats to native fisheries, water quality, local economies and industry.

Check out the video below to learn more about mandatory watercraft inspections.

Important notice

As of June, 20, 2024, fines under the Fisheries (Alberta) Act increased:

  • from $324 to $4,200 for failing to stop with a watercraft at an open inspection station 
  • from $180 to $600 for failing to remove a drain plug when transporting a watercraft on a roadway

Watercraft include (but are not limited to):

  • trailered boats
  • non-motorized boats, such as: kayaks, canoes
  • inflatables, such as rafts, kayaks, paddleboards

Watercraft inspection stations

What to expect

The Alberta Government operates inspection stations across the province during the boating season. The majority of these stations are located along major highways near border crossings at Commercial Vehicle Inspection stations. Permanent locations can be found here: 2024 Watercraft Inspection Stations Map. A roving inspection crew may also set up a temporary inspection station at a lake near you during boating season. 

Large highway road signage with flashing lights indicates when the station is open. Everyone transporting a watercraft must stop for an inspection when the station is open.


Connect with the Aquatic Invasive Species Hotline if you have questions about the Fisheries (Alberta) Act legislation changes, watercraft inspections or aquatic invasive species:

Phone: 1-855-336-BOAT (2628)