Water availability engagement

Albertans can share input on ways to increase water availability and improve the water management system in Alberta.

The water availability engagement has been extended until January 24, 2025.


We want to hear your thoughts on opportunities or barriers that can be addressed to enhance the water management system in Alberta and make more water available to use for years to come.

Population growth, economic growth, and water variability are challenging the water management system in Alberta. New or updated policy and regulatory tools could be used to increase water availability for Albertans and optimize the water management system to better address these issues while continuing to protect the aquatic environment.

We welcome your thoughts about any opportunities to increase water availability and more effectively manage water.


  • Open

    October 31, 2024, to January 24, 2025

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 
Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Watch the November 14 webinar that provided a high-level overview of the water management system in Alberta, the intent of the engagement, some of the opportunities and issues we are aware of, and how to participate.

Get involved

Online surveys

Complete an online survey by January 24, 2025, to share your thoughts on increasing water availability.

Detailed survey

We suggest that those with prior knowledge of the water management system in Alberta complete the detailed survey.

Take the detailed survey

View a copy of the detailed survey questions.

Brief survey

A brief, more general survey is also available to share your thoughts on increasing water availability.

Take the brief survey

View a copy of the brief survey questions.

Share your ideas

Create a virtual post-it-note and share your ideas with other Albertans. You can post a new idea, like, or comment on other ideas.

  • What ideas do you have on ways to increase water availability in the province?
  • Which water management policies, programs, or approaches are working effectively? Which need to be strengthened, and how?
  • What do you think should be the top priorities for the province when considering its review of water management policies and potential amendments to the Water Act and its policies?
  • What technologies or innovations could help improve water availability in Alberta?

Share your ideas

Attend an engagement session

Ask a question

Connect with an expert to ask questions about water management in Alberta and read responses to questions from other people.

Ask a question

Schedule a meeting

Organizations and communities can email [email protected] to request a meeting with government staff to share perspectives, information and ask questions.

Submit written feedback

Submit your written feedback to [email protected].

Input received

Regional open houses

Regional open houses were held to provide opportunities to discuss local opportunities and barriers, including conservation, efficiency and productivity, alternative water sources and water allocations and transfers:

  • November 18 at 6:30 pm – Northern Alberta virtual public open house
  • November 21 at 5:30 pm – In-person open house – Peace River
  • November 26 at 6:30 pm – Southern Alberta virtual public open house
  • December 3 at 5:30 pm – In-person open house – Red Deer
  • December 9 at 5:30 pm – In-person open house – Fort Macleod

Engagement timeline

  • Phase 1: Engagement on ideas

    Seeking feedback from Indigenous communities and organizations, key water user groups and the public to understand challenges within the current water management system and potential solutions for increasing water availability.

    Fall 2024
  • Phase 2: Policy engagement

    Feedback will be collected on potential policy changes to address opportunities and challenges to enhance the water management system and increase water availability.



Your feedback may help inform government programs, policy, or legislation aimed to increase water availability and improve the water management system in Alberta.