Veterinary Student Bursary

This bursary assists future veterinarians build their careers in northern Alberta.

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Important dates

Applications are accepted from January 2 to April 30 of each year for schooling in the fall of the same calendar year.

Late applications will not be accepted.

Applicants will be advised of their status by the end of July.


The Veterinary Student Bursary is available for all 4 years of your large animal or large and small animal veterinary program. This bursary is a non-repayable bursary you can receive if you agree to live and work within the program area for one year of full-time employment in return for each year of bursary support received.


The Veterinary Student Bursary is a return of service bursary of $7,000 to $14,000.

$7,000 option

If you are selected for this bursary, you will receive a $7,000 bursary. Upon completion of your program, you must agree to work and live anywhere in northern Alberta (one year for each $7,000 bursary).

$14,000 option

Using the Bursary Partnership Application completed by you and your sponsor, you may receive $14,000 per year ($7,000 per year from the Northern Alberta Development Bursary (NADB) program and another $7,000 per year from the sponsor). Upon completion of your program, you must agree to live and work within the program area specified by your sponsor (one year for each $14,000 bursary).

Important to consider

  • The NADB program does not match students and sponsors for this bursary option.
  • Students must apply for the bursary for each year they want to be considered.
  • Selected recipients sign a return of service agreement with the Ministry of Advanced Education.


  • Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person.
  • Resident of Alberta for 12 consecutive months before the start of your program.
  • Have applied for or enrolled in a full-time, 4-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program.
  • The school and the program must be designated for provincial funding.
  • Plan to live and work in northern Alberta upon completion of your program and sign a return of service agreement.
  • Must not be in default of a provincial student loan.

How to apply

Step 1. Create your Account

You need a verified Account to submit your application. Verifying your account can take up to 2 weeks.

Create your account

Step 2. Gather supporting documents

Attach the following PDF or JPG files to your application:

  • your most recent unofficial transcripts.
  • your resume (optional)

Step 3. Submit the application

Complete the application form fully, attach supporting documents and answer the essay questions clearly and concisely on the online application platform.

Apply now

If you are experiencing problems signing into the application portal with your Account and receiving the following message “Sorry, we can’t find the page you’re looking for…”, clear your cache and browsing history. This will fix the problem and you will be able to access the bursary application site.

After you apply


Students cannot receive the NADB, First Nations, Métis and Inuit Bursary, Northern Student Teacher Bursary or the Bursary Partnership Program during the same academic year.

You can apply for all the bursaries you are eligible for, but if selected for more than one bursary, you will be contacted to determine which bursary you would like to proceed with.

You will be advised of your status through the application platform by the end of July.

Monitor your application for any comments, questions or status updates through the application platform.

Selected recipients will receive the return of service agreement by email along with directions to continue the award process.

If selected, the program administrators will follow up with you to monitor completion of your return of service commitment. If you do not fulfill your obligation, you will be asked to repay the bursary.


Connect with the program administrators: 

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed 12:00 –1:00 pm and statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-624-6545
