Vehicle equipment exemption permits

When and how permits authorizing vehicle equipment exemptions are issued.

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The Central Permit Office issues permits authorizing vehicle equipment exemptions from specific requirements of the Traffic Safety Act and its regulations.

The most common permits issued pertain to school buses and commercial buses. These permits allow the use of equipment that does not come equipped from the manufacturer. Examples include pulling a trailer, installation of strobe lights and adaptations for wheel chair lifts.

These permits do not grant allowances for overweight or over dimensional vehicles. Unusual vehicles that may pose a risk to the operator or other road users, because of their novel size or operating characteristics, will not be issued a permit for on-road use.

Apply for exemption permit

You can apply online for an exemption permit. There is no cost for creating a user account, but each exemption permit is $55.00.

You will need to know your Motor Vehicle Identification number (MVID) to register. If you do not know what your MVID is, please contact the Central Permit Office.

Notice of exemption

The following permits are published pursuant to the Vehicle Equipment Regulation, section 114(1) and (3) as well as the Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation, section 40.

The purpose of publishing the notice of exemption is to inform the person, organization or owners of the vehicle that is the subject of an exemption.

Implementation of the planned roadside worker safety will take place on September 1, 2023.

For more info: Roadside worker safety implementation


Connect with the Central Permit Office:

Phone: 403-342-7138
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Toll free: 1-800-662-7138

Central Permit Office
Suite 401
4920 51 Street
Provincial Building
Red Deer, Alberta  T4N 6K8

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