Tuition refunds

Find out how Alberta’s private career colleges process tuition refunds.


The refund amount you can expect depends on when you or your private career college terminates your Alberta Student Enrolment Contract.

Your contract must be officially terminated before your college can process your refund.

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Types of refunds

After you sign your contract

Every student is given a 4-day cooling off period, where you can change your mind without penalty. If you choose to cancel your Alberta Student Enrolment Contract on or before the 4th business day after you signed it, your college must refund any tuition or other fees you've paid (including your registration fee).

Before your program start date

Your private career college must refund your registration fee if:

  • You terminate your contract before the 4-day cooling off period
  • The school terminates your contract before your program start date
  • The program does not start by the agreed upon date and you terminate your contract

After your program start date

You may be entitled to a refund, under Section 17 of the Private Vocational Training Regulation, if your Alberta Student Enrolment Contract is cancelled after your program start date. The amount is based on how much of the program you've already completed. If you've paid all of the tuition for the program and completed:

  • less than 10% of your program, your refund is at minimum 75% of your tuition
  • more than 10% but less than 50% of your program, your refund is at minimum 40% of your tuition
  • more than 50% of your program, the college is not required to provide you with a refund

If you haven’t yet paid all of the tuition for the program and completed:

  • less than 10% of your program, the college is entitled to 25% of the total cost of tuition
  • more than 10% but less than 50% of your program, the college is entitled to 60% of the total cost of tuition
  • more than 50% of your program, the college is entitled to 100% of the total cost of tuition

You and your private career college can enter into a different agreement for your tuition refund, as long as it meets the minimum requirements above. If your private career college received a tuition fee in excess of the amount they are entitled to, they must refund the excess amount.

Refund eligibility

Incidental Fees

Private Career Colleges are not required to refund incidental fees, such as:

  • textbooks
  • lesson materials
  • supplies
  • printing
  • parking
  • equipment

Completed over half of your program

If you have completed more than 50% of your program, the college is not required to provide you with a refund.

Changes to program delivery

How your program is delivered to you may change without penalty, provided the training you receive meets the requirements outlined in your signed Alberta Student Enrolment Contract. If your lessons are being supplied, marked and returned to you (such as through correspondence), then you are still able to complete your program and are not eligible for a refund.

Refund payments

Refunds are paid to whomever paid your tuition fees. This could be:

  • directly to you, if you paid for your tuition
  • your lender, if you have an outstanding student loan
  • a government, agency or person who paid for you to complete the program

If the refund does not cover the full amount of money you borrowed or were provided to complete the program, you are responsible for making arrangements to pay the remaining amount.

You should receive your refund within 30 days of your contract termination date. If you do not, submit a complaint.