We gathered feedback from the trapping community and associated stakeholders to help inform a proposed disturbance standard. This standard will enable registered fur management licence holders to get efficient and consistent authorization for trapping structures required for commercial trapping activities on public land in Alberta.
Clear trapping structure standards will streamline the process for registering trapline sites and support the trapping community’s important role in stewardship of our public lands by helping to maintain healthy, diverse ecosystems.
A proposed disturbance standard will introduce the maximum acceptable footprint for trapping structures on trapline sites within a registered fur management area. Clarifying footprint requirements will ensure a fair and simple process for the trapping community.
Engagement timeline
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Alberta’s Public Lands are important to our economy and ongoing work to reduce red tape, help create jobs and support rural communities.
- Disturbance Standard for Registered Fur Management Licence Trapping Structures
- Draft Registered Trapline Site Form
Stakeholder engagement
We engaged with stakeholders throughout fall 2024 to provide feedback on details regarding proposed acceptable construction, placement and occupation of structures on trapline sites.
Online survey
Registered fur management licence holders were sent a letter in the mail inviting them to complete an online survey by November 26, 2024.
In-person and online meetings
We also met with stakeholders, Indigenous communities and organizations in-person and online throughout fall 2024.
Stakeholder feedback will help guide the development of the Disturbance Standard for Trapping Structures for Registered Fur Management Licences on Public Lands.
Input received will inform our efforts to streamline a fair and streamlined approval process for registered fur management licence holders to obtain an authorization for their trapping structures required for their commercial trapping activities on public land in Alberta.
Connect with the Trapping disturbance standard engagement:
Email: publiclandspolicy@gov.ab.ca