Transitioning to adulthood can be especially challenging for youth in government care and young adults who were previously in care. The new Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP) will help prepare young adults to live independently, pursue education, and build their careers. The new program offers more specialized, coordinated, and consistent services and supports for young adults formerly in the care of Children’s Services.
The program will focus on helping young adults:
- find mentors
- develop employment and life skills
- attain post-secondary education
- maintain connections to people in their lives who can give them ongoing emotional support
A key piece of the Transition to Adulthood Program is the Advancing Futures program. Advancing Futures, the only program of its kind in Canada, will continue to provide funding, and emotional and social supports for eligible young adults who have been in government care to support them in pursuing post-secondary studies. Mentorship programs will continue to be offered so young adults can build the vital relationships that will help them navigate the path to independent success.
Overview of TAP
Eligible young adults must:
- be between 18 and 23 years old
- at the time of their 18th birthday, must have had an open file with Children’s Services under:
- Permanent Guardianship Order (PGO)
- Permanent Guardianship Agreement (PGA)
- Temporary Guardianship Order (TGO)
- Custody Agreement with Youth (CAY)
- Enhancement Agreement with Youth (EAY)
What you get
The Transition to Adulthood Program will provide young adults with targeted services they choose based on their goals and dreams for their future. Additional supports will be provided, which will focus on supports and services the young adult needs to successfully transition into adulthood.
- Program participants aged 18 to 23 will have access to:
- social and emotional transitional supports
- mentoring opportunities, life skill development, mental health and addiction supports
- help finding work
- Participants will also have access to financial supports up until the day before they turn 22.
- Young adults can apply to the Advancing Futures program up until the day before they turn 25 and can receive supports to pursue their educational goals for up to 5 years or until the day before they turn 31.
How to apply
Eligible young adults who are interested in signing a TAP Agreement can contact the Transition to Adulthood Program at cfs.taprogramquestions@gov.ab.ca.
They will be connected with an Admissions staff member who will schedule a meeting to discuss the program and next steps.
Download the Transition to Adulthood Program brochure. It includes a summary of the benefits, 4 areas of services, financial support and a typical monthly budget.
Empowering youth aging out of care (March 15, 2023)
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