A growing menace...

They are tiny but can cause massive damages. Reports of invasive mussels are on the rise and they can easily hide inside the watercraft and aquatic gear of travellers coming to Alberta. 

If they come inside our borders and get established, it means one thing: big trouble for Alberta’s waterbodies and waterways!

A province under threat... 

  • Invasive mussels are taking over! (black and white poster)

    Should invasive mussels ever be established in Alberta waters, the potential environmental, infrastructural and economic damage they could do is massive, costing millions to fix.

    All hands are needed on deck to keep these tiny aquatic invaders at bay so Alberta stays mussel free.

Keep them out

Help keep invasive species out of Alberta

We all have a role in controlling aquatic invasive species in Alberta. Alberta’s government is running a fun public awareness campaign that goes back in time to help keep dangerous zebra mussels, quagga mussels and other invasive species out of Alberta.

In 1950, Alberta launched a campaign for a Rat-Free Alberta, and thanks to these efforts, Albertans have enjoyed living without the menace of rats ever since. Taking inspiration from these old images, retro-inspired posters are now at inspections sites, government offices and businesses across the province to help keep harmful species out of our provincial ecosystems.

Help spread the word. Download, print or share these posters:

Additional information

Learn more about aquatic invasive species, the impact they have on ecosystems and how you can avoid spreading them: