Part of Housing

Stop housing delays

Report red tape issues that are delaying housing development


The Alberta government is committed to ensuring all Albertans have access to attainable housing that meets their needs. As the province grows, more housing is needed in all communities. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) forecasts a supply gap of 130,000 homes by 2031. Reducing red tape in the process of building new homes and apartment buildings is important to helping government, municipalities and developers fill this gap.

Since 2019, Alberta has implemented more than 675 red tape reduction initiatives to eliminate duplication, improve efficiencies, and deliver services to Albertans more effectively. By focusing on red tape that is delaying housing developments, we can ensure more Albertans find homes faster.

What to report

We want to know about the following types of issues:

  • federal or provincial policies, laws, standards or processes causing delays
  • municipal bylaws or processes causing delays
  • abuse of process by federal, provincial or municipal governments creating delays, such as requiring non-statutory studies for development and building permits

Note: the information collected will be used for the purposes of tracking trends and identifying sources of delays. We may engage with municipalities and organizations further if issues are identified.

Report form

Use the form below to report housing delay issues. Note: all fields are mandatory unless otherwise indicated.

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Contact details
Type of Organization
Issue Details
Type of housing development
Enter one or more communities in this search box. If your community is not listed, select/search for "Other community" and type in your community name.
What is the nature of the delay?
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