We permit the movement of vehicles equipped with permanently mounted equipment exceeding regulated weights as per Commercial Vehicle Dimension and Weight Regulation AR315/2002.
To obtain an annual permit the vehicle must:
- meet the permit qualification requirements to exceed the regulated weight allowances
- complete an application form
- some vehicles may need to obtain a weigh scale ticket from a certified scale
Application forms
Click on one of the links below to obtain a copy of the application form that pertains to your type of vehicle.
Email the completed form to the Central Permit Office at central.permits@gov.ab.ca.
- Steer Permit Application
- All Terrain Crane Multi-Trip
- Mobile Crane Multi-Trip
- Service Rig Multi-Trip
- Permanently Mounted Equipment Multi-Trip
- Permanently Mounted Equipment Trailer Multi-Trip
Vehicles requiring steer permits must obtain a weigh scale ticket from a certified scale then submit it to the Central Permit Office. Once an application form is received, a 30 day temporary permit may be issued to allow carriers time to obtain a weigh scale ticket.
Connect with the Central Permit Office:
Toll free: 1-800-662-7138
Phone: 403-342-7138
Email: central.permits@gov.ab.ca