Springbank Off-stream Reservoir

The Springbank Off-stream Reservoir is a dry reservoir that will store water temporarily during a flood.

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Springbank Off-stream Reservoir


The Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) will provide flood protection along the Elbow River in Calgary and other downstream communities as part of an overall flood mitigation system.

The SR1 project has been designed to work in tandem with the Glenmore Reservoir in Calgary to accommodate water volumes equal to the 2013 flood on the Elbow River.

SR1 will reduce flood risk by managing downstream river flow rates and volume. This goal will be met while protecting the river, critical habitats, fish and wildlife.

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In focus

Design image renderings for various locations along the Springbank Off-stream Reservoir project.

Information on location, area needed, engagement and project illustrations.

Publications about the Springbank Off-stream Reservoir.


Connect with the Springbank Off-stream Reservoir Project:
Email: sr1.communityliaison@gov.ab.ca