Research and policies informs and enhances sector best practices for numerous communities and stakeholders, encouraging more Albertans to lead active lifestyles in their daily lives.
Canadian sport policy
Canada is a leading sport nation. The practice of sport in Canada today is influenced by a number of factors, including our 4 seasons, and our geographic and social diversity. Our sport system allows Canadians from all segments of society to get involved in sport activities at all levels and in all forms of participation. From childhood to adulthood, sport is part of a healthy, and active lifestyle.
Common vision for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living in Canada
The Common Vision is Canada’s first-ever singular national policy document focusing on physical activity and its relationship to sport, recreation and health. It emphasizes on collective action to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary living in Canada.
- Common Vision
- Common Vision (French translation)
- Consultation and Engagement Summary Report and Addendum
Framework for recreation in Canada 2015
The Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015 aims to improve the wellbeing of all Canadians and our communities, as well as our built and natural environments.
- Framework for Recreation in Canada – Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA)
Active Alberta policy
Recreation, active living and sport are vitally important to Albertans. Research clearly points to the importance of active lifestyles to the physical, social and emotional health and well-being of individuals and their communities. This resource outlines a 10-year policy to refocus government initiatives, challenge partners, and encourage Albertans to become more active. Active Alberta, sets out a vision for recreation, active living and sport: Albertans enjoy a high quality of life, improved health and wellness, strong communities, economic benefits and personal fulfillment, through recreation, active living and sport.
Alberta sport plan
Going the Distance provides a coordinated approach to advancing sport in Alberta. It introduces a framework that sets the direction for all stakeholders that are committed to realizing the positive impacts of sport for individuals and communities across Alberta.
Safe sport
Safe Sport helps to create safe and welcoming environments in sport. Individuals participating in all sports, including athletes, coaches, officials, sport administrators, volunteers and others should be able to engage in a positive sport environment that is free from abuse, maltreatment, and discrimination. Resources are available to assist in creating a safe sport environment.
Research and planning tools
Alberta recreation survey
Conducted usually every 4 years, the purpose of the survey is to learn what your recreation activities.
Recreation in emergency response and recovery
This publications provides municipalities and stakeholders’ with tools to include recreation in emergency management and recovery planning.
Connect with the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Branch:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-6459
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-427-5140
Email: SPAR@gov.ab.ca
Suite 500
10055 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1G3