Fines for speeding

Amounts per kilometre over the speed limit for a speeding ticket with and without construction workers or emergency responders present.

Speeding fines

The fines for speeding tickets below include the 20% Victims of Crime surcharge. If you are caught speeding at 51 km/h or more over the speed limit, a mandatory court appearance is required and fines are at the discretion of the court.

  • Standard speeding fines

    Kilometres over limit Amount of fine (in dollars)
    1 $81
    2 $84
    3 $87
    4 $91
    5 $93
    6 $97
    7 $100
    8 $103
    9 $106
    10 $110
    11 $114
    12 $116
    13 $120
    14 $123
    15 $126
    16 $146
    17 $156
    18 $160
    19 $170
    20 $175
    21 $183
    22 $193
    23 $198
    24 $207
    25 $212
    26 $220
    27 $226
    28 $235
    29 $243
    30 $249
    31 $264
    32 $273
    33 $286
    34 $297
    35 $309
    36 $322
    37 $333
    38 $348
    39 $360
    40 $373
    41 $385
    42 $397
    43 $410
    44 $421
    45 $432
    46 $445
    47 $458
    48 $470
    49 $482
    50 $495
  • Driving by workers or emergency responders

    Speeding fines double when construction workers or emergency responders are present.

    Kilometres over limit Amount of fine (in dollars)
    1 $163
    2 $168
    3 $175
    4 $182
    5 $187
    6 $194
    7 $201
    8 $206
    9 $213
    10 $220
    11 $228
    12 $232
    13 $240
    14 $247
    15 $252
    16 $292
    17 $312
    18 $321
    19 $340
    20 $350
    21 $367
    22 $386
    23 $396
    24 $415
    25 $424
    26 $441
    27 $453
    28 $470
    29 $487
    30 $499
    31 $528
    32 $547
    33 $573
    34 $595
    35 $619
    36 $645
    37 $667
    38 $696
    39 $720
    40 $746
    41 $770
    42 $794
    43 $820
    44 $842
    45 $864
    46 $890
    47 $916
    48 $940
    49 $964
    50 $991
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