Species at risk

Learn about vulnerable species at risk of disappearing from the province.


Alberta’s wild species can often face threats that impact their populations. Such threats may include:

  • changes to habitat
  • disease
  • human-wildlife interactions
  • flood and drought

These threats can impact a species’ population as well as the entire ecosystem that they are a part of. Ongoing assessment of the status and health of wild species populations is a vital step in provincial fisheries and wildlife conservation efforts.

Program at a glance

A swift fox curled up and alert in a patch of tall, brown grass.

Complete listing of species at risk in Alberta and their detailed status’. assessed by the Endangered Species Conservation Committee.

A greater sage grouse standing in a brown grassy field.

Learn more about Alberta’s species at risk.

A grizzly bear cub feeding on plants in a patch of lush green shrubs.

Search or download this listing of wild species and their status in Alberta.

A cluster of dark blue, three-petaled blossoms of the western spiderwort, a plant species at risk.

Alberta’s strategy for species at risk management.


Connect with Alberta’s Species at Risk Program, Environment and Protected Areas Outreach Services: 

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free in Alberta: 310-3773
Toll free in Canada: 1-877-944-0313
International: 780-944-0313
Email: epa.outreach-services@gov.ab.ca