Alberta's story

Alberta has expertise, experience and excellence to share with the world. We are committed to working with national and international partners to help drive economic growth, lower emissions and create new opportunities for communities and businesses in Alberta and around the world.

Leaders in emissions reduction

Alberta is a global leader in emissions reductions and responsible energy development and has a long and impressive record of environmental leadership.

Our province introduced the first climate strategy in Canada and the first North American price on industrial emissions, created an internationally-recognized and award-winning methane emissions reduction framework, and sets an example for the world by investing in technologies like carbon capture, utilization and storage, hydrogen, geothermal and more.

We are now working with industry, researchers and other governments to implement the Emissions Reduction and Energy Development Plan. This plan offers a business-friendly environment primed to attract investment and growth and showcases how Alberta will remain an energy and emissions-reduction powerhouse into the future.

Alberta's strong economy has attracted workers from across Canada and around the world, contributing to employment opportunities and economic mobility. Our innovations and energy security are an asset, with the potential for implementation of sustainable solutions worldwide.

Conference of the Parties 29

Alberta is participating in the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan to show the world that it is possible to reduce global emissions, work toward a carbon neutral economy by 2050 and keep energy affordable, reliable and secure.

Alberta will be represented by a team of delegates across companies and organizations from November 11 to 22 to promote the province’s emissions reduction technologies, record of environmental stewardship and important role in the global energy transformation at COP 29.

COP 29 event resources

More information and resources will be added below as they are available.

  • Conference zones and accreditation

    COP 29 will have 2 areas for participants, a Blue Zone and a Green Zone. Both zones will be located in the Baku Olympic Stadium. 

    Temporary structures will be built on the grounds around the stadium for events, with an anticipated capacity of up to 50,000 attendees from around the world.

    Blue Zone

    The COP Blue Zone is open to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)-accredited parties and delegates. It is the location of formal negotiations.

    Accreditation to enter the Blue Zone is provided to parties to the agreement, world leaders, media and official observers. 

    The Government of Alberta does not provide accreditation but can request it on your behalf from the Government of Canada.

    Accreditation is usually confirmed 8 weeks before COP. Download, complete and submit the COP 29 accreditation form to request accreditation.

    You can also email a completed accreditation form to [email protected].

    Green Zone

    The COP Green Zone is open to the public, including businesses and non-governmental organizations. 

    Managed by Azerbaijan, the Green Zone offers an informal space for youth leaders, businesses, researchers, artists, decision-makers from regional and local communities, and a wide range of other civil society individuals to come together, present and share their vision and ideas for a zero-carbon future through presentations, panel debates, poster sessions and exhibitions. 

    To express interest to participate in the Green Zone, email [email protected].

  • Canada pavilion

    The Government of Canada is planning on hosting a Canada pavilion at COP 29. More information on this pavilion will be added is it is announced.

  • Accommodations

    The Government of Azerbaijan’s portal for delegates to book hotels during COP 29 can be found at COP29 Baku - booking bnetwork.

  • E-VISA

    Accreditation must be confirmed before applying for an E-VISA.

    More information on the E-VISA process will be added here as it is available.

  • Additional information

    • COP is the decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a multilateral treaty adopted in 1992 to address greenhouse gas emissions.
    • COP is the largest annual climate summit in the world. 
    • All states that are parties to the convention can attend COP.
    • COP 29 is the 29th meeting of the convention and will run from November 11 to 22, 2024.
    • The host country of the COP rotates among the United Nations regional groups, including Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean and Western Europe and others.

    Learn more about COP 29 from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) website.