Seniors Lodge Review Panel

The panel will find ways to make the most of existing seniors lodge spaces and ensure seniors can age in their community.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services


The Seniors Lodge Review Panel provided opportunities for seniors housing advocates to share input to ensure Albertans living in lodges, and their families, have a voice in the process of reviewing the Seniors Lodge Program.

The lodge review explored ways to improve our lodge system’s efficiency and sustainability into the future.

The Seniors Lodge Program supports seniors who are capable of independent living with community supports to age in community. This review was identified as a priority during the 2020 Affordable Housing Review Panel, and supports a key action in government's Stronger Foundations affordable housing strategy.

Get involved

Opportunities to provide input have now closed. More information on the Seniors Lodge Review Panel report and recommendations will be available soon.

Input received

Engagement sessions

Alberta Seniors and Community Housing Association (ASCHA) supported engagement activities to inform the Lodge Program Review, including establishing a member task force, surveying lodge operators and running regional engagement sessions for operators. 

Additional opportunities for engagement and consultation for municipalities, lodge residents and other interested stakeholders was led by Focus Consulting throughout the review.

Online survey

Albertans shared feedback on ways to improve our lodge system’s efficiency and sustainability into the future, through an online survey between March 26 to April 9, 2024.

Panel members

  • Brandon Lunty, MLA for Leduc-Beaumont, Co-chair
  • Arlene Adamson, president, Alberta Seniors and Community Housing Association (ASCHA), Co-chair
  • Jennifer McCue, president and chief executive officer, Bethany Care Society
  • Lauren Ingalls, chief administrative officer, Westwinds Communities
  • Stacey Stilling, chief administrative officer, Mountain View Seniors Housing
  • Mariam Elghahuagi, manager of Healthy Aging Alberta, United Way of Calgary and Area
  • Marlys Jordan, chief administrative officer, Calgary Heritage Housing
  • Nancy Simmonds, chief administrative officer, Heartland Housing Foundation
  • Patricia Scantlebury-MacInnis, president and chief executive officer, Wood Buffalo Housing Corporation
  • Paul McLauchlin, president, Rural Municipalities Alberta
  • Robin James, vice-president south region, ASCHA
  • Shane Gauthier, chief executive officer, Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary
  • Shawn Gramlich, councillor, Slave Lake
  • Steve Madden, chief administrative officer, Grande Spirit Foundation
  • Tina Petrow, Director of Cities up to 500k, Alberta Municipalities
