Landlords can require a security deposit, sometimes referred to as a damage deposit, from their tenants when they move into rental premises. The rate of interest that landlords must pay on tenant security deposits effective January 1, 2025, will be 1.0%.
In 2024, the interest rate to be paid on security deposits was 1.6%. This was the first-time landlords were required to pay interest on security deposits since 2009. The Security Deposit Interest Rate Regulation under the Residential Tenancies Act and Mobile Home Sites Tenancies Act contains a permanent formula for setting the yearly interest rate payable on security deposits, which takes effect on January 1 of each year.
The formula takes the interest rate that ATB Financial is charging for a cashable one-year Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) on November 1 of the previous year and subtracts 3 percentage points.
Additional information about returning security deposits is available at Ending a tenancy.
Interest on security deposits
Interest on the security deposit must be paid to the tenant annually, unless the landlord and tenant agree in writing that it will not be paid annually, in which case the interest must be compounded annually.
A landlord may agree in a residential tenancy agreement to pay a higher interest rate. The landlord is then bound to pay the tenant interest on the security deposit and the compounding interest at the higher rate.
Interest Rate Calculator
The Alberta government provides an online interest rate calculator to assist landlords and tenants in determining how much interest the landlord must pay on the security deposit.
Interest calculation examples
- RTA handbook for landlords and tenants : Residential Tenancies Act and regulations
- Information for Landlords
- Information for Tenants: English
- Information for Tenants: French
- Information for Tenants: Ukrainian
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Contact Centre
Edmonton: 780-427-4088
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Email: rta@gov.ab.ca