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Animated. Set at the time of the impending Ice Age at the Dawn of Man, three disparate characters—a mammoth, a sloth, and a saber-tooth tiger—embark on a journey together to return a lost human baby to its people.
Content elements
- Off-screen death of a mother who saves her baby
- Implied death of a villainous animal character
- Slapstick violence for humor
- Mild scatological humor
Thematic elements
- friendship
- loyalty
- tolerance
- forgiveness
- appearances
- honor
- evolution
Classification rationale
While death is an element in the film, it is in keeping with G ratings given to animated films depicting similar circumstances, such as Tarzan, The Lion King, and Bambi and The Land Before Time. Humor is a mitigating factor. There are positive messages throughout the film about tolerance, forgiveness, integrity, sacrifice, and doing what is proper.
Classification date
March 05, 2002Was this page helpful?
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