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(Parental Guidance) Substance AbuseSynopsis
Dir: Jon Gunn. Drama/Biography. Based on the book 'The Unbreakable Boy: A Father's Fear, a Son's Courage, and a Story of Unconditional Love' by Scott LeRette and Susy Flory. A man (Zachary Levi) with an alcohol problem struggles to cope as a father to a special needs child (Jacob Laval) with a rare disease.
Content elements
- Infrequent use of cursing and vulgar expressions
- Infrequent portrayals of hand-to-hand violence in a bullying context
- Frequent portrayals of injury involving children - no blood, little detail
- Frequent portrayals of alcohol use, some in an addiction context
Thematic elements
- Coping with adversity
- Redemption
- Family dynamics
Classification rationale
Rated PG for frequent alcohol use
Classification date
January 21, 2025Was this page helpful?
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