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(Parental Guidance) Mature Subject Matter, NuditySynopsis
Dir: Virginia Tangvald. English/French-language Documentary. A filmmaker embarks on a journey of healing and self-discovery as she revisits the lives of her father, Norwegian adventurer Peter Tangvald, who died in a shipwreck in 1991, and her brother Thomas, who went missing at sea in 2014.
Content elements
- Infrequent use of cursing
- Frequent references to and descriptions of death, dying, and trauma - some detail
- Infrequent breast nudity in a non-sexual breastfeeding context - little detail
- Infrequent depictions of tobacco use in a documentary context
Thematic elements
- Coping with loss
- Uncovering the truth
- Freedom
Classification rationale
Rated PG for mature subject matter, nudity, and tobacco use
Classification date
January 16, 2025Was this page helpful?
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