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(14A) Not Recommended For ChildrenSynopsis
Dir: Alexis Bloom, Svetlana Zill. Documentary. The life of model and actress Anita Pallenberg, who rose to prominence in the 1960s and through her association with The Rolling Stones.
Content elements
- Infrequent use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; infrequent use of scatalogical slang, cursing, profanity, vulgar expressions, and sexual slurs
- Infrequent use of sexual language and references - little detail
- Infrequent portrayals of gun and weapons violence in a film clip context - no blood or detail
- Infrequent references to suicide, death, domestic violence, and addiction - some detail; portrayal of suicidal behaviour in a film clip context - no blood, some detail
- Infrequent depictions of sexually suggestive scenes - breast nudity, some detail
- Infrequent buttock and breast nudity in a non-sexual context
- Frequent depictions of tobacco use in a recreational context; infrequent depictions of alcohol and cannabis use in a recreational context; frequent references to illegal substance use in an abuse context
Thematic elements
- Loss, grief, and regret
- Fame and notoriety
- Addiction
Classification rationale
Rated 14A for mature subject matter, coarse language, nudity, and substance use
Classification date
January 10, 2025Was this page helpful?
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