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(18A) Gory Brutal ViolenceSynopsis
Dir: Haneef Adeni. Malayalam-language Action/Thriller. After his older brother (Anson Paul) is brutally murdered, a man (Unni Mukundan) seeks revenge on the people responsible.
Content elements
- Infrequent use of the sexual expletive in a sexual context; infrequent use of scatological slang, profanity, and vulgar expressions
- Frequent portrayals of gun, weapons, and hand-to-hand violence, some involving children, infants, and animals - much blood and gory, brutal detail
- Infrequent portrayals of sexually suggestive scenes - no nudity, little detail
- Frequent portrayals of alcohol and tobacco use in a recreational context; infrequent portrayals of illegal substance use in a recreational context
- Infrequent portrayals of crude bodily functions - some detail
Thematic elements
- Revenge
- Family bonds
- Survival
Classification rationale
Rated 18A for gory brutal violence and disturbing content
Classification date
December 19, 2024Was this page helpful?
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