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(14A) Disturbing Content, NuditySynopsis
Dir: Magnus von Horn. Danish-language Drama. In post-WWI Copenhagen, after giving birth to an illegitimate child, a woman (Vic Carmen Sonne) finds a job at an underground adoption agency.
Content elements
- Infrequent portrayals of weapons and hand-to-hand violence, some involving children - no blood, detail; infrequent portrayals of suicidal behavior and self-harm - no blood and some detail
- Infrequent references to, and portrayals of, abortion - little detail
- Infrequent portrayals of nightmarish imagery - no blood and detail
- Infrequent portrayals of sexual activity - no nudity, little detail
- Infrequent breast, buttock, and female frontal nudity in a non-sexual context
- Infrequent portrayals of alcohol use in a recreational context; infrequent portrayals of illegal substance use in an addiction context
- Infrequent portrayals of crude bodily functions - little detail
Thematic elements
- WWI and its aftermath
- Grief and loss
- Social justice
Classification rationale
Rated 14A for violence, nudity, sexual content, and substance use
Classification date
December 03, 2024Was this page helpful?
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