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(Parental Guidance) ViolenceSynopsis
Dir: Ben Smallbone. Drama/Thriller. Based on the book 'Black Autumn' by Jeff Kirkham and Jason Ross. After a nuclear explosion near Los Angeles, a group of people (Dawn Olivieri, Neal McDonough, Jesse Hutch, Bailey Chase, Susan Misner, Kevin Lawson, Kearran Giovanni, Olivia Sanabia, Tyler Lofton) gather at a wealthy family's compound and prepare for survival.
Content elements
- Infrequent portrayals of gun violence - little blood and detail
- Infrequent portrayals of death and dying - little detail
Thematic elements
- Faith
- Teamwork
- Survival
Classification rationale
Rated PG for violence
Classification date
November 27, 2024Was this page helpful?
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