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(14A) Frightening ScenesSynopsis
Dir. Michael Sarnoski. Science-Fiction Horror/Drama. Based on characters by Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. A terminally ill woman (Lupita Nyong'o) teams up with a man (Joseph Quinn) to try to survive an alien invasion in New York City.
Content elements
- Infrequent use of scatological slang
- Infrequent portrayals of hand-and-hand and weapons violence - little blood, no detail
- Frequent portrayals of frightening scenes and monsters
- Infrequent portrayals of corpses and injuries - some blood, little detail
- Infrequent portrayals of alcohol use in a recreational context
Thematic elements
- Survival
- Teamwork
- Sacrifice
Classification rationale
Rated 14A for frightening scenes
Classification date
June 21, 2024Was this page helpful?
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