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(Parental Guidance) Coarse LanguageSynopsis
Dir: Jim Strouse. Romance/Comedy/Drama. Based on the book 'Text For You' by Sophie Cramer and the motion picture 'SMS für Dich'. After losing her partner, a woman (Priyanka Chopra) begins texting his old number, leading to a connection with the man (Sam Heughan) who now uses the same number.
Content elements
- One use of the sexual expletive in a non-sexual context; infrequent use of scatological slang, cursing, profanity, and vulgar expressions
- Infrequent references to death - no detail
- Infrequent use of sexual language and references - little detail
- Infrequent portrayals of alcohol use in a recreational context
Thematic elements
- Love
- Destiny
- Coping with loss
Classification rationale
Rated PG for coarse language
Classification date
April 21, 2023Was this page helpful?
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