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(18A) Sexual Content, Substance AbuseSynopsis
Drama/Biography. Based on the book by Jordan Belfort. A Wall Street stock broker (Leonardo DiCaprio) recounts his life of criminality and excess.
Content elements
- Pervasive use of the sexual expletive and variations, some in a sexual or aggressive context; frequent use of scatological slang, sexual and ethno-cultural slurs, and vulgar expressions, many in an aggressive context
- Frequent use of crude and descriptive sexual language and references
- Infrequent portrayals of hand-to-hand violence, some in a domestic context – little detail
- Frequent, detailed portrayals of sexual activity – breast and buttock nudity
- Frequent breast, buttock, and male and female frontal nudity in a non-sexual context
- Pervasive and detailed portrayals of illegal drug use for recreational purposes
Thematic elements
- Living to excess
- The thrill of conquest.
- The lure of easy wealth
Classification rationale
Rated 18A for pervasive drug use and frequent portrayals of sexual activity
Classification date
December 11, 2013Was this page helpful?
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