Resident and Family Councils Act – PDD consultation

Sought input to confirm if overnight-staffed residences of persons with developmental disabilities should be included in the new act.

This engagement has been archived
Status: Completed
Ministries responsible: Health and Community and Social Services
Completed: 2018


The Resident and Family Councils Act came into effect on April 1, 2018 to give residents and their families the right to establish self-governing councils at any long-term care and licensed supportive living facility that serves 4 or more people.

Councils provide an opportunity for residents and families to discuss matters with agency or operator staff including:

  • ways to maintain and enhance residents' quality of life
  • requests, concerns and solutions

Engagement was held to confirm if overnight-staffed residences of persons with developmental disabilities should be included in the new act.


In February and March of 2018, Albertans with developmental disabilities, as well as their families, guardians and service providers, participated in a series of telephone conferences, face-to-face meetings and webinars about the new legislation.

We sought their input to:

  • confirm if residences licensed under the Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act (SLALA) for persons with developmental disabilities should be included in the act, or if they should be exempted
  • understand implementation considerations of the act for residences of persons with developmental disabilities

View the presentation for residents and families/guardians.

Thank you to everyone who participated.


Based on the feedback from residents, families, guardians and service providers, PDD residences will continue to be included under the Resident and Family Councils Act when it came into force on April 1, 2018.

Input also led to the development of a simplified toolkit for residents and families to ensure it is accessible to all Albertans. Input from service providers also informed the content of operator education sessions conducted before the act comes into force.

Find out more about the RFCA Toolkit and Operator’s Guide



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