Renewable energy reclamation security engagement

Renewable energy developers and landowners provided feedback on a reclamation security program for wind and solar operations on private land.


Between September 20 and October 25, 2024, we  received feedback from the renewable energy industry, municipalities and landowners to inform the development of a government-held program to collect reclamation security for wind and solar renewable energy projects on private land.

The feedback gathered will help us define aspects of a government-held reclamation security program, including appropriate security amounts and timing. When the program is developed, paying reclamation security for wind and solar renewable energy developments will be mandatory, but landowners and renewable energy operators will have the option to either negotiate security in a private contractual agreement or choose the government-held program.

This engagement is a part of the Alberta government's wider effort to advance policy, legislative and regulatory changes for renewable energy development.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas

Get informed


On February 28, 2024, the Minister of Affordability and Utilities shared government’s intention to advance policy, legislative and regulatory changes for renewable energy development before the end of 2024. These changes will provide clarity around municipal involvement and address recommendations for agricultural lands, reclamation security and viewscapes.

Indigenous engagement

First Nations and Métis private landowners were invited to share feedback.

Stakeholder engagement

The renewable energy industry, municipalities and landowners were invited to share feedback.


Input will help inform policy, legislative and regulatory changes to develop tools and support a government-held program for wind and solar renewable energy reclamation security.



Connect with the renewable energy reclamation security engagement:
Email: [email protected]
