In 1976, former premier Peter Lougheed had the foresight to create what is today commonly called the Alberta Heritage Fund. The initial purpose of this fund was to invest a portion of Alberta’s non-renewable resource royalties each year so the investment interest earned in the fund would reduce the province’s reliance on resource revenues.

For decades, contributions to the Heritage Fund were limited and investment earnings were spent instead of being reinvested. Now, Alberta is adopting a bold, new plan to grow the Heritage Fund and achieve long-term growth and financial stability for the province. When the fund reaches its goal of $250 billion, the province can use a portion of the annual interest accrued to offset any decreases in resource royalties, invest in key provincial infrastructure and grow and protect the Alberta tax advantage.

The roadmap details how the “Alberta Model” will use three components to grow the fund to $250 billion and eventually fund public services and vital infrastructure:

  • Strategic investments: There is a strong focus on opportunities that maximize growth while supporting areas that matter to Albertans, such as technology, energy and infrastructure.
  • Global partnerships: The model benefits from working closely with like-minded organizations and investors around the world, to access premier opportunities and bring new ideas and expertise back to the province.
  • Strong governance: The model is structured to ensure transparent and responsible investment management, so that every decision is made with the long-term interests of Albertans in mind.

“Albertans deserve a Heritage Fund they can rely on – one that is focused on creating long-term growth and financial stability. We owe it to future generations of Albertans. The new Heritage Fund will lessen our dependence on natural resource revenues, diversify our economy, and create both wealth and prosperity for generations to come.”

Danielle Smith, Premier

This plan builds on the vision of former premier Peter Lougheed and builds on the recent investments into the fund. As of September 2024, the Heritage Fund is worth $24.3 billion. With a $2-billion commitment from Budget 2024, the fund is projected to increase to more than $26 billion by the end of the 2024-25 fiscal year. If all of the Heritage Fund’s investment income had been reinvested since inception instead of being transferred to the general revenue fund, the Heritage Fund would be upwards of $250 billion today, generating about $20 billion annually.

Now is the time to take decisive action. By saving and reinvesting today, Alberta will reduce its reliance on unpredictable non-renewable resource revenue. A renewed Heritage Fund that earns money year over year will secure a resilient and prosperous Alberta for generations to come.

“Our plan to grow the Heritage Fund is about securing Alberta’s financial independence and providing stability for our children and grandchildren and build a lasting legacy for all Albertans.”

Nate Horner, President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance

Strong governance is needed to provide direction, deliver high returns for Albertans, and ensure future growth amid changing economic conditions. To help achieve this and carry out the overall Heritage Fund plan, Alberta’s government has created the Heritage Fund Opportunities Corporation to govern and grow all Heritage Fund assets. The new corporation will strengthen partnerships with global sovereign wealth funds, thereby unlocking access to new opportunities. The new corporation will be assisted in its work by a world-class board of directors that will strengthen the governance of Heritage Fund assets and support investment decisions independent from government.

The Heritage Fund Opportunities Corporation will be chaired by Joe Lougheed.

“The Heritage Fund assets belong to Albertans – and future Albertans. The HFOC will have a world-class, independent board of directors providing oversight and guidance in an accountable and transparent fashion. Working closely with the Alberta Investment Management Corporation, the objective will be to deliver long-term growth of the assets of the Heritage Fund for future generations.  It is an honour to serve in this governance role.”

Joe Lougheed, Chair, Heritage Fund Opportunities Corporation

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