“After extensive analysis and discussions with businesses across Alberta, there can be no mistake: the federal government’s changes to the Competition Act are undemocratic, extreme and will hurt hardworking businesses and families. This is a gag order on freedom of speech, period. These ideological rules will threaten investments, jobs and decades of environmental progress in our province.

“Let's be clear: This isn't about 'truth in advertising.' That's a smokescreen. Instead, this creates a new double standard, providing a path for anti-energy and anti-business groups to silence those working to reduce emissions while growing the economy.

“These amendments include extremely harsh penalties for businesses that make environmental claims but no penalties for radical groups that make false accusations, almost encouraging activists to file misleading claims.

“Ottawa has officially created an echo chamber where their anti-energy and anti-development views are never opposed or challenged. Eco-radical activists can now spread disinformation without any counter from industry and experts on the ground.

“The amendments made to Canada’s Competition Act are vague and punitive. These amendments hold companies to international standards that don’t even exist, and which the Competition Bureau is not qualified to dictate or assess.

“Businesses want to communicate truthfully and honestly about their environmental goals. Instead, they’re being silenced. Ultimately, there is a cost to embedding virtue-signalling into law and Canadians will pay the price once again. All while Canada’s real problems—affordability, housing and a dwindling economy—go unaddressed by a federal government whose expiry date is long past due.

“We have submitted this feedback to the federal government today. They need to scrap these changes, but we will not wait idly for common sense to prevail.

“We will continue to defend our provincial jurisdiction as we explore every legal option at our disposal to defend our rights and protect our industries from job-killing federal overreach.”

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