Minister Schulz will travel to Washington from June 17-21 to strengthen Alberta’s role as a key partner and highlight the province’s leadership in reducing emissions while supporting technology and energy production. This will include discussions on energy security, innovation, trade dynamics with the United States, geopolitics and the future of North American energy supply.

“Alberta’s long-standing relationship with the United States is built on the shared goal of growing the economy and ensuring responsible, affordable and reliable energy on both sides of the border. Our province is proving that you can reduce emissions while powering the world, and I look forward to strengthening relationships and sharing the impressive work underway across Alberta.”

Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas

The Minister will travel with two staff members. Mission expenses will be posted on the travel and expense disclosure page.

The Alberta government is committed to working with its national and international partners to advance shared interests that can lead to new opportunities for people and businesses in Alberta and around the world.

Quick facts

  • The United States is Alberta’s largest trading partner. In 2023, Alberta exported more than $156 billion in goods to the United States.
  • Alberta exports more to Illinois, Washington, Texas, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Michigan and Colorado than it does to China, the province’s second-largest trading partner.
  • The emissions intensity of bitumen in Alberta declined by 21 per cent per barrel over the past decade, and is expected to continue falling another 23 per cent over the coming decade.
  • Alberta’s annual emissions are down from 290.8 million tonnes in 2015 to 269.9 million tonnes in 2022, while our economy remains strong and growing.

Itinerary for Minister Schulz*

June 17

  • Travel to Washington, D.C.

June 18

  • Meetings with congressional and administrative officials

June 19

  • Meetings and briefings with the Alberta Washington Office

June 20

  • Speaking event on energy security, geopolitics, climate and the future of North American energy supply
  • Embassy event co-hosted by Canada and Alberta

June 21

  • Return to Alberta

*Subject to change.

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