
COURT OF JUSTICE ACT (section 9.1) - Designates Justice Joyce Lynn Lester as Assistant Chief Justice of the Edmonton Criminal Division of the Alberta Court of Justice for a term to expire on November 21, 2028.


CRIMINAL CODE (CANADA) (section 672.38) - Effective January 20, 2024, reappoints Dr. Margaret Rourke as a member of the Criminal Code Review Board for a term to expire on January 19, 2027; appoints Dr. Robert Tanguay as a member of the Criminal Code Review Board for a term to expire on November 21, 2026.


FATALITY INQUIRIES ACT (section 5) - Effective December 9, 2023, appoints Dr. Akmal Coetzee-Khan as Chief Medical Examiner for a term to expire on December 8, 2026.



CORRECTIONS ACT (sections 27.2 and 27.3) - Effective February 1, 2024, reappoints Richard (Rick) Hanson as a member of the Alberta Parole Board and redesignates him as chair of the Alberta Parole Board for a term to expire on January 31, 2027; effective February 1, 2024, reappoints Paul Bourassa and Lisa Wardley as members of the Alberta Parole Board, each for a term to expire on January 31, 2027.


POLICE ACT (section 9) - Appoints Brian R. Hahn as a member of the Law Enforcement Review Board for a term to expire on November 21, 2026.



ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT ACT (section 90) - Appoints Barbara Johnston as chair of the Environmental Appeals Board and effective February 25, 2024, reappoints her as a member and as chair of the Environmental Appeals Board for a term to expire on February 24, 2026; effective November 27, 2023, reappoints Line Lacasse and Chris Powter as members of the Environmental Appeals Board, each for a term to expire on November 26, 2024; effective February 25, 2024, reappoints Kurtis Averill as a member of the Environmental Appeals Board for a term to expire on February 24, 2026; appoints Guy Boutilier, Paul McLauchlin, Allison Rippin Armstrong and Elizabeth Quarshie as members of the Environmental Appeals Board, each for a term to expire on November 21, 2025.


NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION BOARD ACT (section 13) - Effective December 13, 2023, reappoints Peter Woloshyn as a member and redesignates him as a part-time member of the Natural Resources Conservation Board for a term to expire on December 12, 2024, and redesignates Peter Woloshyn as Chair of the Natural Resources Conservation Board.



ALBERTA INVESTMENT ATTRACTION ACT (section 5) - Reappoints R. Scott Hutcheson as a member and redesignates him as Chair of the board of directors of Invest Alberta Corporation for a term to expire on January 30, 2026; reappoints The Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., as a member and redesignates her as Vice-chair of the board of directors of Invest Alberta Corporation for a term to expire on January 30, 2026; reappoints Bob Dhillon, T. Chen Fong, Ashif Mawji and Janet Riopel as members of the board of directors of Invest Alberta Corporation, each for a term to expire on January 30, 2026; appoints Robert Fernandez, Donald Hubble, Sam Jaber and Robert Price as members of the board of directors of Invest Alberta Corporation, each for a term to expire on January 30, 2027.

Orders in Council can now be viewed on the King's Printer website at: https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/507.cfm