“Fall has arrived in full force and, as expected, the risk of catching respiratory viruses has increased. I want to encourage Albertans once again to work together to create a healthier environment for everyone around us.

“I encourage all Albertans to continue practising proper hygiene protocols. This includes handwashing, staying home when sick and disinfecting common surfaces around your home. As well, Albertans can choose to wear a well-fitting mask in crowded areas to help reduce the risk of becoming sick.

“Alberta Health has announced the dates and plan for the rollout of the fall respiratory virus vaccine campaign. Albertans are encouraged to talk to their regular physicians about what is best for them and their situation.

“I know there are many people interested in the status of respiratory illnesses in the province. I want to provide an additional update.

"Since Sept. 3, there have been 21 confirmed cases of RSV. We've recorded 52 cases of influenza, resulting in 10 hospitalizations and no admissions to intensive care units or deaths. This is consistent activity for this time of year. For COVID-19, from Sept. 3 to Sept. 23 there were a total of 1,470 cases and 286 hospitalizations, with 13 ICU admissions. Sadly, 20 Albertans died during that period due to COVID-19.

“Very soon we will be launching a refreshed dashboard with up-to-date data that will align reporting on respiratory illnesses including COVID-19, RSV and influenza. This change will bring Alberta’s COVID-19 reporting schedule into line with other jurisdictions such as British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia.

“Thank you again to our health care workers across the province for your continued dedication to the health and well-being of all Albertans, especially during this respiratory virus season. Albertans rely on you to help them make informed decisions about how to protect themselves and those around them. I am confident that they are in good hands with the world-class experience and expertise that exists in our province.”

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