Volunteers are the foundation for many community organizations providing recreational, social and cultural programs. Alberta has more than 26,400 non-profit organizations and, each year, more than 1.6 million Albertans provide more than 262 million volunteer hours to support the non-profit and voluntary sector at a value of $5.6 billion.

The Stars of Alberta awards highlight and pay tribute to volunteers who give their time, energy and skills to make a difference in the lives of Albertans.

“Volunteers are the driving force behind the recreational, social and cultural programs that make our communities great. We want to recognize outstanding volunteers helping Albertans stay connected and feel supported. We encourage all Albertans to show their support for our extraordinary volunteers and their life-changing work by nominating them for a Stars of Alberta Volunteer Award.”

Tanya Fir, Minister of Arts, Culture and Status of Women

Awards are given to two youth (up to 24 years of age), two adults and two seniors. In addition, the Breaking Barriers category recognizes exceptional volunteers who are working to create communities that are diverse and inclusive. Three awards are presented in this category to individuals who are addressing racism, advocating for 2SLGBTQQIA+ inclusion and fighting gender discrimination in their communities.

Albertans are encouraged to submit nominations online. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 15.

The awards are part of the government’s commitment to recognize the contributions of Alberta’s volunteers and recipients are celebrated annually on or around International Volunteer Day, which is Dec. 5.