Minister Schulz will travel to Huntsville, Ont., to attend the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) meetings on July 26 and 27 with her counterparts from across the country.

In addition to strengthening relationships with other provinces and territories, Minister Schulz will participate in discussions on a variety of topics, including reducing waste, advancing the plastics circular economy, strengthening resilience and adaptation, and reducing the impacts of a changing climate.

“This is a key meeting and a chance for elected representatives from all levels of government to meet to address environmental challenges facing the entire country. The only way to make real progress cutting emissions and protecting our environment is for all levels of government to work together, as equals.”

Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas

Plastic waste

Alberta is transitioning to a new recycling system that encourages companies to recycle more materials and produce less waste. The new system will shift responsibility for collecting, sorting, processing and recycling to the producer and away from taxpayers.

Alberta does not support Canada’s designation of plastic manufactured items as toxic and is challenging the federal government's legislation in court.

Minister Schulz will reiterate her call for the federal government to reverse its ban on the plastic-free, fully compostable bags used by Calgary Co-Op. To showcase this example of Alberta innovation, Minister Schulz will distribute free samples of the Calgary Co-Op bags to all province, territories and Environment and Climate Change Canada officials during the meeting. 

Emissions reduction

Alberta’s Energy Development and Emissions Reduction Plan aspires to carbon neutrality by 2050. It charts the course for cutting emissions, attracting investment and growing the economy, and includes ongoing and new actions that build from the province’s successful policies to date.

Minister Schulz will update attendees on the status of this work.

Clean electricity regulation

Alberta is rapidly cutting emissions from its electricity grid and leads the country in renewable energy investments. However, dispatchable generation like natural gas is critical for energy reliability, security and affordability in the province. The Alberta government has stated that any clean electricity regulations must include a carve-out for provinces like Alberta, which rely on natural gas-fired generation.

Minister Schulz will reiterate Alberta’s position and highlight the significant costs a poorly thought-out clean electricity regulation could end up costing Albertans and Canadians.

Oil and gas production cut

Alberta’s government is opposed to federal government plans to implement a production cut on oil and gas producers.

In a recent meeting with Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, Minister Schulz requested that the federal government share all available data, analysis, cost estimates, risk assessments, job loss forecasts and socioeconomic impact studies.

Minister Schulz will again call upon the federal government to produce that information immediately.