2/2022 |
MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT (sections 125 and 138); THE LLOYDMINSTER CHARTER (section 72(2)) - Makes the Order Annexing Land from the County of Vermilion River to The City of Lloydminster. |
3/2022 |
MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT (section 381.2); CITY OF EDMONTON CAPITAL CITY DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION LEVY REGULATION (section 5) - Approves the amendments to City of Edmonton Bylaw 16521, City of Edmonton Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Bylaw, as made by City of Edmonton Bylaw 19820, City of Edmonton Capital City Downtown Community Revitalization Levy Bylaw Amendment No. 1, passed on August 31, 2021. |
4/2022 |
POST-SECONDARY LEARNING ACT (sections 16 and 56) - Reappoints Nancy Foster as a member of the board of The Governors of The University of Calgary for a term to expire on January 25, 2025. |
5/2022 |
POST-SECONDARY LEARNING ACT (sections 44 and 56) - Appoints Dean Fahselt and Sean Lessard as members of The Board of Governors of Lakeland College, each for a term to expire on January 25, 2025. |
6/2022 |
PROVINCIAL PARKS ACT (section 6) - Amends Order in Council numbered O.C. 79/2019 to amend the legal land description of Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland. |
7/2022 |
ALBERTA FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS ACT (section 7) - Effective November 4, 2022, reappoints Yasmin Jivraj as a member of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts for a term to expire on January 25, 2023; appoints Paul R. Baay as a member and redesignates him as a vice-chair of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts for a further term to expire on January 25, 2024; appoints Dr. Aleem Bharwani and Nabil Malik as members of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, each for a further term to expire on January 25, 2023. |
8/2022 |
SENIORS BENEFIT ACT (section 6) - Makes the Seniors Benefit Act General Amendment Regulation. |
9/2022 |
SENIORS’ HOME ADAPTATION AND REPAIR ACT (section 11) - Makes the Seniors’ Home Adaptation and Repair Amendment Regulation. |
10/2022 |
ALBERTA HUMAN RIGHTS ACT (section 14) - Makes the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund Grant (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation. |
11/2022 |
YOUTH CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACT (CANADA) (section 2); YOUTH JUSTICE ACT (ALBERTA) (section 35) - Makes the Youth Justice Designation Amendment Regulation. |
12/2022 |
ALBERTA ENTERPRISE CORPORATION ACT (section 9) - Reappoints Sharilee Fossum, Neil Sadaranganey and Tracey Scarlett as members of the board of directors of the Alberta Enterprise Corporation, each for a term to expire on January 25, 2025; appoints Justin Ferrara as a member of the board of directors of the Alberta Enterprise Corporation for a term to expire on January 25, 2025. |
13/2022 |
TRAVEL ALBERTA ACT (section 4) - Effective March 4, 2022, reappoints Neil Yeates as a director and redesignates him as vice-chair of the board of Travel Alberta for a term to expire on March 3, 2025. |
14/2022 |
LABOUR RELATIONS CODE (section 8) - Effective February 12, 2022, reappoints Ayla Akgungor as a member and redesignates her as a vice-chair of the Labour Relations Board for a term to expire on February 11, 2025; effective February 27, 2022, reappoints Geoffrey Eustergerling, Raelene Fitz, Corinne Galway and Darren Leclair as members of the Labour Relations Board, each for a term to expire on February 26, 2025. |
15/2022 |
ALBERTA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ACT (section 4); ALBERTA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION REGULATION (section 2) - Reappoints Phyllis Clark as a member of the board of directors of the Alberta Investment Management Corporation for a term to expire on December 31, 2024; effective April 1, 2022, appoints Theresa Whitmarsh as a member of the board of directors of the Alberta Investment Management Corporation for a term to expire on March 31, 2025. |
Orders in Council can now be viewed on the King's Printer website at: https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/507.cfm