Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) is the primary act in Alberta through which regulatory requirements related to air quality is managed. The purpose of EPEA is to support and promote the protection, enhancement and wise use of the environment.
Under the Act, several regulations are issued providing more detail on topics related to the Alberta Air Management System.
EPEA allows for a range of policy tools to be developed to manage air emissions sources and ambient air quality.
Provisions are set out under Section 14(1) of EPEA which enables the Minister to develop ambient environmental quality objectives, including development of ambient air quality objectives.
EPEA Section 14(4) sets out provisions for the development of other objectives, standards, codes of practice, guidelines or methods to meet the environmental protection goals of the government.
Other policy may be developed, such as operational policy which:
- Focuses on specific issues
- Is often technical in nature
- May be enforceable
- Sets a high level of guidance
EPEA and accompanying regulations set out in detail which activities require approvals and the process for obtaining them. The following are links where Albertans can get information to file an application for activities that require the Alberta government's approval.
Related Acts
Other acts linked to and supporting air quality management include:
Alberta Land Stewardship Act: Sets out the legal basis for regional land use planning in Alberta. Regional plans are developed under this Act and an Air Quality Management Framework designed to meet the needs of the region can be a component of the regional plan.