Registering your existing cooperative in Alberta removes the need to have separate cooperatives in every place your cooperative does business.
Your cooperative is considered to be carrying on business in Alberta if it:
- solicits business in Alberta
- has a resident agent, representative, warehouse, office or place of business in Alberta
- is licensed or registered, or required to be licensed or registered, under any act of Alberta allowing it to carry on business
- owns or has interest in land in Alberta
If your cooperative’s home jurisdiction is British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Manitoba and you want to conduct business in Alberta, there are streamlined processes under the New West Partnership Trade Agreement. There is no cost to register or update your BC, Manitoba, or Saskatchewan cooperative in Alberta. Contact your home jurisdiction registry office for information and forms.
For cooperatives from other provinces and countries, there is a $100 registration fee.
How to apply
Step 1. Get an Alberta NUANS report
You need to get an Alberta Name Search (NUANS) report and review it to ensure there are no cooperatives with identical names or names that are too similar to the name of your out-of-province cooperative.
If your cooperative’s name is too similar to other cooperative names in Alberta, you can use an ‘assumed name’, which will require a separate NUANS report.
Find a NUANS service provider.
The NUANS report reserves the proposed name for 90 days. The complete report, whether an original, fax, or email copy, must be submitted with the registration details and must be less than 91 days old.
Step 2. Appoint an agent for service in Alberta
An agent for service is an individual located in Alberta who can accept notices and documents in person or by mail or email on behalf of the cooperative. The agent for service does not need to be a lawyer.
You will need the following information for the Notice of Agent for Service:
- name of the individual
- firm name (if applicable)
- street address or legal land description
- mailing address
- email address
- appointment date for the agent for service
The agent must consent to their appointment.
You can also appoint an alternative agent for service. The same details are needed.
Agents for service and alternative agents for service do not need to be part of the same firm and can be located at different addresses within Alberta.
Step 3. Gather supporting documents
You will need to get copies of your cooperative’s charter documents from the corporate registry in your home jurisdiction. These documents (or equivalents) must include the certificate of incorporation, articles of incorporation, and any amendments.
Step 4. Fill out the forms
The forms listed below must be completed and submitted as part of the registration package:
Step 5. Submit your registration package and fee
Send the charter documents, forms, NUANS report and the $100 registration fee to Corporate Registry.
Make cheque payable to the Government of Alberta.
Mailing address:
Corporate Registry
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Box 1007 Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W6
Email: sa.cooperatives@gov.ab.ca
After you apply
If your information meets requirements, Corporate Registry will enter it into the registry system. The certificate of registration and a copy of the registration documents will be sent to you.
Connect with Corporate Registry:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-7013
Email: sa.cooperatives@gov.ab.ca