310-LAND is Alberta’s Crown land general information and issues reporting line.
Report Crown land concerns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Call 310-LAND (5263) anytime to report public safety incidents, illegal activity and enforcement concerns occurring at public land, provincial parks or protected areas.
For general inquiries about Crown land and natural resources, call during normal business hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
- Toll free in Alberta: 310-5263
- Toll free in Canada: 1-833-310-5869
Electronic Application Help Desk
Contact the Electronic Application Help Desk (EDS/PCS/LAT Tool).
Email: eds.support@gov.ab.ca
Regional contacts
Find your regional officer or agrologist: Land Management – Contacts
Lands Disposition Administration contacts
Inquiry type | Contact |
Aggregate unit (surface materials) | Email: fp.aggregatesandquarries@gov.ab.ca |
Agriculture leases, licences and permits | Email: fp.agriculturemaintenanceinquiry@gov.ab.ca |
Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) charges | Email: landsaercharges@gov.ab.ca |
Assignments | Email: lands-assignments@gov.ab.ca |
External notifications to public lands | Email: fp.lands-notifications@gov.ab.ca |
Industrial, commercial, recreation, and bed and shore – Disposition applications and maintenance | Email: fp.cirbs@gov.ab.ca |
Parks | Cottages: Email: fp.parkscottages@gov.ab.ca Dispositions: Email: fp.ppareferrals@gov.ab.ca |
Payments | Email: fp.agripymt.mailbox@gov.ab.ca |
Public land sales and exchanges and caveats registered at Land Titles | Email: fp.salesunit@gov.ab.ca |
Requests for records (routine disclosure and copy requests) | Email: fp.routinedisclosures-crownlands@gov.ab.ca |
Right of Entry (ROE) inquiries and requests | Email: fp.roe@gov.ab.ca |
Road closures on Crown land | Email: fp.eds-roadclosures@gov.ab.ca |
Transfers, mortgages/conditional surrenders of lease | Email: lands-assignments@gov.ab.ca |