It is recognized in Alberta as a fundamental principle and as a matter of public policy that all persons are equal. Diversity and inclusion are valued and supported on the boards of Alberta’s public agencies.
Before you apply
Learn the details and responsibilities of serving on the board of a public agency.
Read about tips for applying and our privacy notice.
Create an account in the electronic Public Agency Appointments System (ePAAS).
Apply for an opportunity or sign up for notifications
Once you’re registered in the database, please log in to ePAAS.
With ePAAS, you’ll be able to:
- complete your application information
- update your personal information
- upload your resume
- browse board opportunities for open vacancies
- apply for opportunities that interest you
- sign up to receive email notifications for new opportunities
Online applications are preferred but you can also mail your application to the address provided on the Recruitment Posting/Position Profile.
If you find an opportunity to serve on a board of a public agency, carefully read the Recruitment Posting and the Position Profile to ensure this is an appropriate opportunity for you. Some opportunities will have special requirements that should be reviewed carefully.
If you're selected to serve on the board of a public agency, some information about you will be made publicly available on this website, including:
- your name
- your biography
- the term of your appointment
- remuneration received (if applicable)
Tips to apply
Learn about the public agency
- Take the time to read the Recruitment Posting and the Position Profile thoroughly. They contain important information for your application. Some positions will have special requirements that should be reviewed carefully.
- Review the public agency's website for more information.
- Review the website of the Alberta government department responsible for the public agency.
Prepare a resume
- Your resume should reflect the competencies required for the particular public agency and the contribution you can make to the board.
- Addressing the competencies and other requirements identified in the Recruitment Posting and Position Profile will strengthen your application.
- Do not forget to highlight your volunteer activities as well as your professional background. Your volunteer service may include activities or skills that could be relevant to a public agency.
Prepare a cover letter
- Your cover letter summarizes why you want to serve on the board and your experience and skills that will make you an effective contributor for the organization. Your resume should provide further detail on what is referenced in your cover letter.
- Demonstrate that you understand the role and mandate of the public agency and the work the agency does for Alberta.
- Follow a standard format for cover letters:
- Opening paragraph: State the position you are applying for and what interested you about the role.
- Middle paragraph: Describe your competencies and how they relate to the position.
- Closing paragraph: Summarize your interest and qualifications.
- Ask yourself how you might stand out from other applicants for this position and incorporate these qualities into your letter.
- Do not feel that a cover letter needs to be lengthy to be effective.
Prepare a biography
As part of the application process, all applicants must provide a short (maximum 550 words) biography. Your biography should include:
- your name
- current work experience
- board/committee experience
- relevant education
Please note that biographies may be edited for length and clarity.
The information provided in your biography may be used in media releases and will be made public on the Public Agencies website, along with your name, term of appointment and remuneration received (if applicable).
(Name of person) is a long-time member of the community who brings her/his skills in communication, planning and organization to his/her board positions. (Name) is a grassroots organizer for the women's hockey community worldwide and is an advocate for equity and accessibility.
(Name of person) is a community-based emergency and chronic pain physician in Alberta. (Name) holds academic appointments with the University of XX. His/Her primary interests are in new medical evaluation technologies, quality improvement in the health care system, and medical software development. Dr (Name) ‘s community involvement includes serving as a board member with Medicine X Group, University X and as Director of Medical Simulation with Emergency Physicians Group.
Privacy notice
This personal information (cover letters, resumes and other related documents) is being collected to determine your qualifications for appointment to a public agency in Alberta. This information is collected and used under the authority of the Public Service Act and managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Applicants applying online to serve on the board of a public agency will be asked to submit personal data to create and maintain a user profile. All data submitted for this purpose is subject to this privacy notice.
Additionally, any information saved in draft status is retained to assist the user and will not be used by the Government of Alberta.
Should you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact the Public Agency Secretariat by email at