Procurement modernization

Alberta’s government is managing taxpayers’ money better by improving how it does business with the private sector.


Government is working with private sector partners to improve the flow of information and make it easier and simpler for companies of all sizes to bid on government contracts.

The province is reviewing supply chain processes to identify areas for improvement and is removing barriers so more job creators across the province can bid on public projects.

Modernizing government procurement will drive economic growth and ensure maximum return on taxpayers’ investments.

The government spends about $5 billion each year on purchasing goods, services, and construction.


  • Category management

    • Government is implementing a new procurement model called ‘category management’ to ensure government procurement practices are efficient, cost-effective, and able to mitigate the effects of major supply chain disruptions.
    • Procurement of common goods and services will be led by Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction, while specialized goods and services will be delivered by individual ministries.
    • The new model will result in improved processes and financial efficiencies.
  • Vendor engagement program / procurement council

    • Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction has established a procurement council  to provide a forum for ongoing communication between government and the private sector.
    • Through the program, government will engage with industry through ongoing forums for dialogue between government ministries and representatives of companies who supply goods, consulting and construction services.
    • This approach was recommended by the McKinnon Panel, to enable better access to procurement opportunities for small, medium, and large Alberta businesses, and enhance procurement capacity with government.
  • Technology enhancement (APC modernization)

    • Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction, in collaboration with Technology and Innovation, continues to modernize the government’s electronic tendering site, the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC).
    • The new system has been designed for ease of navigation for vendors of all sizes so that they can track, express interest in, and bid on public sector procurement opportunities.
    • The new system will be more responsive to the changing procurement environment and needs of the diverse community of users. The new system is located at Alberta Purchasing Connection.
  • Procurement internal review and renewal

    • Government is assessing supply chain management processes and identifying key areas for improvement. 

Project updates

  • June 11, 2024 – Modernized Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) launched.
  • May 2024 – The government implemented a procurement council through 2 longstanding construction committees.

Project timeline 

Procurement council

  • Fall 2024 – Vendor engagement, vendor survey

Category management

  • Ongoing: Category implementation
  • July – October 2024 – Procurement process standardization and optimization
  • July – October 2024 – Procurement Training Program development

Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) 

  • June – October 2024 – Post launch support for APC users (hypercare)