Important dates
Applications will be accepted until March 1 each year, or when all funds for the budget year have been allocated. Applications must be received by 11:59 pm on the final day of intake. If the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or weekend, it will be extended to the next working day.
The Post-Production, Visual Effects and Digital Animation Grant (PPG) provides funding to help cover labour expenses for Alberta organizations involved in the development and delivery of post-production services in Alberta, including visual effects and digital animation.
This funding, under the Alberta Media Fund (AMF), supports the growth and sustainability of Alberta’s post-production sector by helping eligible companies employ Alberta talent.
A grant which represents 18% of the total eligible invoiced labour will provide funding to applicants.
Applicants may receive funding for both the PPG and Alberta Made Production Grant, if eligible.
You can submit an unlimited number of applications, however the maximum amount an organization or their affiliates can receive in grant funding per budget year is $200,000.
Submissions with a combined total of eligible Alberta invoice values less than $4,000 and a minimum per project value of less than $500 will not be considered.
The grant amount requested per application must be at least $500.
Eligible organizations
To be eligible to apply, your organization must:
- be incorporated in Alberta under the Business Corporation Act, or registered as an extra-provincial company in Alberta and be in good standing with the Corporate Registry or operate as a sole proprietorship with a registered trade name in Alberta. All applicants must be in good standing in all respects with funding received from the Government of Alberta including the AMF
- be able to demonstrate that the organization provides services for arm’s length, third party organizations on a regular basis
Eligible projects
Eligible projects or activities include but are not limited to:
- editing of video and audio
- subtitling and closed-captioning
- creation and editing of visual and sounds effects
- digital animation
- projects produced primarily for distribution to a public audience
- projects that have been submitted to the AMF within 60 days of the post-production end date, invoice date or signature date on the deal memo with a production company
- projects that have a minimum eligible invoice value of $500
Ineligible projects
Projects that are not eligible for funding include but are not limited to:
- productions that solicit funds
- mass reproduction of pre-recorded audio and video material on magnetic or optical media, such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, tapes, or cartridges
- archiving for corporate, institutional and preservation purposes
- pornography/adult entertainment
- productions made for internal corporate use
- productions where support would be considered contrary to public policy, including the promotion of:
- hate against an identifiable group
- exploitation of sex, violence, horror or cruelty
Eligible expenses
Invoiced costs for eligible Albertans performing eligible activities on eligible projects.
Ineligible expenses
Expenses not eligible under this grant include, but are not limited to:
- non-Albertan expenses
- labour and non-labour expenses related to ineligible projects or activities
How to apply
Step 1: Review the guidelines
Review the current Post-Production, Visual Effects and Digital Animation Grant Guidelines to ensure you understand the requirements.
Step 2: Create an online profile
New applicants must request access to set up an online profile prior to filling out an application. To set up a profile complete the Front Office Registration form and email it to .
Your login credentials will be emailed to you.
Step 3: Begin the application package
Login to the Online Grant Application System to begin your application. Refer to the Guide for Application Submission for assistance.
Step 4: Gather the required documents
Applications are accepted up to March 1st of each year. Applications must be received by 11:59 pm on the final day of intake and if the deadline falls on a stat holiday or weekend, it will be extended to the next working day. Applicants need only submit the following documents once per grant year or upon expiry:
- financial documents – income statement and balance sheet for corporations or the CRA T2125 for sole proprietors
- residency confirmations for eligible employees
Step 5: Submit your application
Your application and all supporting documents must be received through the Online Grant Application System.
Faxed, emailed, mailed and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
After you apply
Applicants will be notified in writing of the result of their application.
Connect with the PPG program:
Phone: 780-422-8584
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)