Paid holidays directive

This directive covers the holidays for which Alberta Public Service employees are entitled to paid leave.


This directive identifies the holidays on which employees are entitled to one day's paid leave.

Entitlements for bargaining unit employees, including excluded employees who occupy bargaining unit positions, are contained in the Collective Agreement.


Employees will be paid for all of the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day, to be observed on January 1, or if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to be observed on the following Monday
  • Family Day, to be observed on the third Monday in February
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day, to be observed on the day fixed by proclamation of the Governor General in Council
  • Canada Day, to be observed July 1, or if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to be observed on the following Monday
  • Labour Day, to be observed on the first Monday in September
  • Thanksgiving Day, to be observed on the day fixed by proclamation of the Governor General in Council
  • Remembrance Day, to be observed on November 11, or if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to be observed on the following Monday
  • Christmas Day, to be observed on December 25, or if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday, to be observed on the following Monday
  • Christmas floater, to be observed on December 24 if Christmas Day falls on a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. If Christmas Day falls on a Monday or Wednesday, the Christmas floater shall be observed on December 27. If Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the Christmas floater shall be observed on December 28.
  • Boxing Day, to be observed on December 26, if it falls on a Saturday, to be observed on the following Monday; if it falls on a Sunday or a Monday, to be observed on the following Tuesday
  • one day for a civic local holiday, to be observed on the first Monday in August or on the day proclaimed by specific municipalities; where the municipality does not proclaim a holiday, it will be observed on the first Monday in August
  • any day proclaimed by law to be a holiday in Alberta.


If a holiday falls within an employee's vacation leave, the employee will receive an extra day of vacation leave instead of the paid holiday.

Employees will be paid for any of the above paid holidays if they fall under a leave of absence without pay that is less than ten work days.

About this directive

Authority:Public Service Employment Regulation
Application:Organizations under the Public Service Act
Effective Date:October 1, 1997
Contact:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Labour and Employment Practices; Labour and Employment Policy