Out of province vehicle inspections

Vehicles registered outside Alberta must pass an inspection before licence plates are issued.

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The purpose an Out of Province Inspection ensures your vehicle meets the safety and vehicle equipment standards of Alberta.

The inspection must be conducted in a licensed facility, by a journeyperson technician, licensed by the Vehicle Inspection Program to perform Out of Province Inspections. The inspection can take up to 2 hours on average to perform, but may vary based on the type of vehicle.

Inspection facilities determine the cost of an inspection or re-inspection and must post those costs in plain sight. We encourage you to contact a variety of facilities, to determine your best option.

Go to Vehicle Inspection Facility Search to locate an inspection facility.


Step 1. Request an inspection form

Visit any Alberta Registry and purchase a ‘Request for Vehicle Inspection Form’ to verify the status of the vehicle.

Step 2. Get vehicle inspected

When you are ready to have the vehicle inspected, present the vehicle and the ‘Request for Vehicle Inspection Form’ to the inspection facility of your choice.

The ‘Request for Inspection Form’ does not expire, and must be presented to any facility doing the inspection or re-inspection of the vehicle. You may request to have the Request for Inspection returned to them.

Upon completion of the inspection, the inspection facility is required to provide a copy of a signed Record of Inspection, regardless if the vehicle passes or fails the inspection.

Step 3: Complete repairs (if necessary)

If your vehicle fails the inspection, you must complete repairs within 10 days of the original inspection. Otherwise, a full vehicle inspection will be required. You can have the repairs completed by any facility of your choosing.

Complete re-inspection by the original inspection facility or another licensed facility of your choosing. We encourage you to speak with any inspection facility to determine costs of re-inspection.

Step 4: Present certificate to an Alberta Registry Agent within 14 days

You will be provided with an Out of Province Vehicle Inspection Certificate and a Record of Inspection, once the vehicle passes the inspection.

You must present the Certificate of Inspection to an Alberta Registries Agent within 14 days of the completed inspection. If the Certificate of Inspection is produced after the 14 day limit, it will not be accepted and a new Out of Province Inspection will be required.


A vehicle may be exempt from an inspection if it falls within the conditions outlined in the Registering an Out of Province Vehicle In Alberta.

Alberta residents moving to a New West Partnership (NWP) jurisdiction (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba) who want their vehicle(s) to undergo an Out of Province Inspection prior to moving can contact a Vehicle Inspection Program Analyst at mvip@gov.ab.ca.

Inspection guidelines

You should discuss your vehicle's overall condition with the inspection technician before entering into an agreement to have the vehicle inspected.

If your vehicle does not pass the inspection, you may choose to take your vehicle to more than one inspection technician before agreeing to complete suggested repairs. Vehicle owners are responsible for the cost of the inspection.

The vehicle must be maintained within original equipment manufacturers (OEM) service limits in order to pass the inspection.

Technicians follow the inspection criteria outlined in the Automotive and Light Truck Inspection Manual.

Inspection deadlines

If your vehicle fails inspection, you must repair it within 10 days of the date on the record of inspection.

Vehicles repaired and presented for re-inspection within 10 days will be subject to verification of required repairs only. If the vehicle is not presented within 10 days, a new inspection will be required.

Inspection certificates must be presented to any Alberta registry agent within 14 days from the date of issue. If you fail to present the certificate within 14 days, the vehicle will be required to undergo a full out of province vehicle inspection.


Any complaints related to Out of Province Inspections facilities or technicians must be submitted by email to Compliance and Oversight at vsi@gov.ab.ca.

Provide as much detail as possible including the concern, when the vehicle was inspected, the name of the facility, the Vehicle Identification Number, and contact information.


Connect with the Carrier and Vehicle Safety:

Phone: 780-427-8901
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: vehicle.safety@gov.ab.ca

Vehicle Safety
Room 109
Main Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3