Oil Sands Monitoring Program – Annual reports and work plans

Annual reports highlight OSMP activities and governance, while the work plan identifies projects to be completed by the program that year.

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Annual reports

Annual reports highlighting the accomplishments, activities, and governance of the Oil Sands Monitoring Program (OSMP). The program funds and undertakes ambient environmental monitoring within the oil sands area of Alberta to enhance the understanding of the effects of oil sands development and core outcomes.

Work plans

Ambient environment monitoring plans are created yearly to identify projects being completed for that year.

2024-25 Ambient environment monitoring plan

The projects approved under the 2024-25 Ambient Environment Monitoring Plan for Oil Sands Development are listed below and in PDF format at: 2024-25 Ambient Environment Monitoring Plan

2024-25 Ambient Environment Monitoring Plan budget ADM letter to Industry

Activity NameAmounts approved February 16, 2024
Atmospheric Pollutant Active Air Monitoring Network$13,088,204
Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring$8,176,614
Air and Deposition Monitoring Total$21,264,818
Surface Water Quantity Monitoring - Water Levels and Flows$1,973,635
Surface Water Quality$4,764,863
Core Biodiversity Monitoring - Benthic Macroinvertebrates $2,362,077
Core Long-Term Fish Monitoring$1,430,399
Water Monitoring (Core) Total$10,530,974
Development of the Design for an Integrated OSM Regional Lake Monitoring$115,000
Water Monitoring (FS) Total$115,000
Integrated Terrestrial Biological Monitoring$6,545,550
Biodiversity Monitoring (Core) Total$6,545,550
Wetland Ecosystem Monitoring Program$1,896,088
Wetland Monitoring (Core) Total$1,896,088
Groundwater Monitoring$2,218,748
Groundwater Monitoring (Core) Total$2,218,748
State of Environment Reporting$483,838
OSM Data Quality Program$338,000
Integrated Geospatial Program$1,474,500
Cross Cutting Projects Total$2,296,338
Air Quality Monitoring in the Peace Athabasca Delta$264,150
ICBM Evaluation and Reporting in Surface Waters$1,379,792
Ni ho ghe di – Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Community Based Monitoring$415,000
Mikisew Cree First Nation – Community Based Monitoring$415,000
Fort McKay Métis Community-Based Wetland Monitoring$393,600
Cold Lake FN integrated Community Based Monitoring Program$599,015
2024-2025 MacKay River Community-Based Monitoring Program$587,577
Lakeland Metis Moose Camera$75,000
A Braided Approach to Evaluating Fish Health$150,000
WBEA Community Led Berry Contamination Study – Fort McKay First Nation
*work plan to follow
WBEA Community Led Berry Contamination Study – Project
*work plan to follow
Mikisew Cree First Nation - Wetlands$198,450
Terrestrial Biological Integrated Indigenous CBM$588,000
Willow Lake Metis Aquatics$289,975
Conklin Environmental Monitoring$438,186
Fort McKay Community Odour Monitoring$292,432
Fort McKay Community Dust Monitoring$125,613
Chipewyan Prairie First Nation CBM Program$256,990
Smith's Landing First Nation CBM$262,195
Fort McKay Métis Nation - Community Based Environmental Monitoring Program (CBEMP) - Data Tool$330,000
McMurray Metis Aquatics CBM Capacity Building Project$149,734
FCMN Oilsands Focused Community-based Monitoring$300,000
Conceptual Framework for Socio-Cultural Economic Indicators and Thresholds$209,000
Beaver Lake Cree Nation$182,120
WBEA Community Led Berry Contamination FMMN
*work plan to follow.
WBEA Community Led Berry Contamination McMurray Metis Local #1935
*work plan to follow.
Fish Health and Water Quality (Athabasca Landing Metis)$75,000
Community Based Monitoring Total8,226,829
Oil Sands Monitoring Program Administration$2,487,490
Indigenous Capacity & ICBMAC$3,064,750
Oil Sands Program Office Total$5,552,240
Image of a circle graph for allocation of budget by theme and total