Acronym table
Table 1. Commonly used acronyms
ABB | Athabasca Bitumen Blend |
AER | Alberta Energy Regulator (formerly known as ERCB or EUB) |
AIES | Alberta Interconnected Electric System |
AL | Arm’s Length |
AMI | Alberta Mineral Information (System) |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
ARC | Alberta Research Council |
ARF | Alberta's Royalty Framework |
ATC | Athabasca Tribal Council |
bbl | Barrel |
BDM | Bitumen Density Measurement |
BRIK | Bitumen Royalty In-Kind |
BRO | Bitumen Royalty Option |
BVM | Bitumen Valuation Methodology |
CAPP | Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers |
CARE | Cost Analysis and Reporting Enhancement |
CARS | Corporate Accounting Revenue System |
CCS | Carbon Capture and Storage |
CEMA | Cumulative Environmental Management Association |
CEPA | Canadian Energy Pipeline Association |
CER | Canada Energy Regulator (formerly known as the National Energy Board) |
CERI | Canadian Energy Research Institute |
CHOP | Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand |
CMDRC | Crown Mineral Disposition Review Committee |
COS | Cost of Service |
CRWP | Condensate Allowance Price |
CSS | Cyclic Steam Stimulation |
DRRZD | Deeper Rights Reversion Zone Designation |
DSU | Drilling Spacing Unit |
EOP | End of Period |
EPAC | Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (formerly known as SEPAC) |
ETS | Electronic Transfer System |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GFE | Good Faith Estimate |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GJ | Gigajoule |
HBP | Hardisty Bitumen Price |
LAMAS | Land Automated Mineral Agreement System |
LSAS | Land Status Automated System |
LSD | Legal Subdivision |
LTBR | Long-Term Bond Rate |
MDT | Maximum Development Time |
MFT | Mature Fine Tailings |
MLE | Minimum Level of Evaluation |
MLP | Minimum Level of Production |
MMA | Mines and Minerals Act |
MOSS | Mineable Oil Sands Strategy |
MPC | Maximum Daily Production Capacity |
MRC | Monthly Royalty Calculation |
MRIS | Mineral Revenues Information System |
NAL | Non-Arm's Length |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NRF | New Royalty Framework |
OASIS | Oil Sands Administrative and Strategic Information System |
OSA | Oil Sands Area |
OSAC | Oil Sands Allowed Costs (Ministerial) Regulation |
OSD | Oil Sands Division |
OSRR | Oil Sands Royalty Regulation |
OTSG | Once-Through Steam Generator |
PADD | Petroleum Administration for Defense District |
PNCB | Prior Net Cumulative Balance |
PNG | Petroleum and Natural Gas |
PON | Public Offering Notice |
PSV | Primary Separation Vessel |
RCP | Royalty Calculation Point |
RG% | Gross Royalty Rate |
RN% | Net Royalty Rate |
SAGD | Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage |
SAGP | Steam-Assisted Gas Push |
SCO | Synthetic Crude Oil |
SMA | Surface Mineable Area |
SOR | Steam Oil Ratio |
SU | Spacing Unit |
TA | Transportation Allowance |
TAN | Total Acid Number |
THAI | Toe-to-Heel Air Injection |
TOR | Tailings Oil Recovery |
TPD | Third Party Disposition |
TWP | Township |
VAPEX | Vapour Extraction Process |
VDU | Vacuum Distillation Unit |
WCS | Western Canadian Select (blended bitumen) |
WTI | West Texas Intermediate |
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Alberta Energy and Minerals
Oil Sands, Coal and Mineral Operations
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9945 108 Street
Edmonton Alberta T5K 2G6